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Search in the G-BiKE's community

This simple search engine allows you to search for practitioners involved in G-BiKE. You might want to search for them according to organism, subject and country.
Select the search parameters:
    • Algae
      • Seaweed
        • Kelp-wakame
        • Toothed or serrated wrack
    • Amphibian
      • Salamander/Newt
        • Appenines or Italian cave salamander
        • Crested newt
        • Fire salamander
        • Pyrenean Brook salamander
        • Alpine newt
        • Woodland salamanders
      • Frog/Toad
        • Common frog
        • Common toad
        • Natterjack toad
        • Tree frog
        • Fire-bellied toad
        • Yellow-bellied toad
    • Arthropod
      • Spider/Scorpion
        • Ladybird spiders
        • Scorpion
      • Crustacean
        • Chinese mitten crab
        • Invasive amphipod/skeleton shrimp
        • Amphipod 'common fresh water shrimp'
        • Blind crab
        • Cave shrimp
        • Common litoral crab
        • Italian endemic crayfish
        • European lobster
        • European Maja spider crabs
        • European spiny lobster
        • Mediterranean Shore crab
        • Noble crayfish
        • Northern krill
        • Norway lobster
        • Red king crab
        • Sandhopper
        • White-clawed crayfish
        • Zuiderzee crab/dwarf crab/estuarine mud crab
        • Copepod
      • Butterfly
        • Adonis blue butterfly
        • Apollo butterfly
        • Berger's Clouded Yellow
        • Bog fritillary butterfly
        • Brown argus
        • Chalkhill Blue
        • Codling moth
        • Comma butterfly
        • Common blue butterfly
        • de Prunner's Ringlet butterfly
        • European corn borer
        • Glanville fritillary butterfly
        • Gypsy moth
        • Adonis' Ladybird
        • Mountain Ringlet
        • Pale Clouded Yellow
        • Peppered moth
        • Pine processionary moth
        • Swallowtail butterfly
      • Beetle
        • Aquatic leaf beetle
        • Two-spotted ladybird
      • Ant
        • Argentine ant
        • Red impored fire-ant
      • Damselfly
        • Banded Demoiselle
        • Southern Damselfly
      • Aphid
        • Black bean aphid
        • Pea aphid
      • Bee
        • Buff-tailed bumble bee
        • Western honey bee
        • White-tailed bumble bee
      • Grasshopper
        • Grasshopper
        • Meadow grasshopper
      • Mayfly
        • Mayfly
      • Cricket
        • Mediterranean field cricket
      • Dragonfly
        • Lilypad whiteface
    • Bird
      • Seabird
        • Artic skua
        • Atlantic puffin
        • Audouin's Gull
        • Common guillemot
        • Cory's shearwater
        • Fulmar
        • Great Cormorant
        • Great white pelican
        • Northern gannet
      • Bird of prey
        • Barn owl
        • Common buzzard
        • Eastern imperial eagle
        • Egyptian vulture
        • Eurasian eagle owl
        • Golden eagle
        • Goshawk
        • Griffon vulture
        • Lammergeier
        • Little owl
        • Long-eared owl
        • Osprey
        • Peregrine falcon
        • Sea eagle/White-tailed eagle
        • Short-eared Owl
        • Snowy owl
        • Spanish imperial eagle
        • Tengmalm's/Boreal owl
        • Greater spotted eagle
      • Songbird
        • Barn swallow
        • Blackcap
        • Black-tailed Godwit
        • Blue tit
        • Common crosbill
        • Common raven
        • Crested lark
        • Hooded crow
        • Dipper
        • Great reed-warbler
        • Great tit
        • Long-tailed tit
        • Pied flycatcher
        • Sand Martin
        • Skylark
        • Warblers
      • Waterfowl
        • Barnacle goose
        • Canada goose
        • Common eider
        • Ferruginous duck
        • Great crested Grebe
        • Greylag goose
        • Purple swamphen / Purple gallinule
      • Gamebird
        • Black francolin
        • Black grouse
        • Capercaillie
        • Common pheasant
        • Golden pheasant
        • Grey partridge
        • Partridge
        • Rock partridge
        • Barbary partridge
        • Chukar
        • Quail
        • Red-legged partridge
        • Rock ptarmigan
        • Willow grouse/ptarmigan
      • Other birds
        • Common cuckoo
        • Eurasian crane
        • European bee-eater
        • Flamingos
        • Great bustard
        • Three-toed woodpecker
        • White stork
      • Wader
        • Common snipe
        • Great snipe
      • Dove/Pigeon
        • Eurasian Collared-dove 
        • Eurasian Woodcock
    • Bryophyte
      • Moss
        • Square pleurochaete moss
        • Common hair moss
        • Peat moss
        • Bristle moss
    • Cnidarian
      • Anemone
        • Sea anemone
        • Starlet sea anemone
      • Hydrozoan
        • Invasive colonial hydrozoan
    • Echinoderm
      • Sea urchin
        • Edible common sea urchin
      • Starfish
        • Red comb star
    • Fish
      • Bony fish
        • Adriatic sturgeon
        • Anchovy
        • Arctic charr
        • Atlantic bluefin tuna
        • Atlantic cod
        • Atlantic halibut/fletch
        • Atlantic herring
        • Atlantic salmon
        • European sea sturgeon
        • Beluga sturgeon
        • Brown trout
        • Common/Dover sole
        • Dab
        • European eel
        • European hake
        • European plaice
        • European spined loach
        • Horse mackerel
        • Angler
        • Russian sturgeon
        • Senegalese sole
        • Siberian sturgeon
        • Tarpon
        • Three-spined stickleback
        • True sardine/European pilchard
        • Turbot
        • Sturgeons
        • Shortnose sturgeon
        • Atlantic sturgeon
        • Barbel
      • Cartilaginous fish
        • Basking shark
        • Common skate
        • Great white shark
        • Longnosed skate
        • Sandbar shark
        • Scalloped hammerhead sharks
        • Thornback ray
        • Tope shark
        • Leafscale gulper shark
    • Fungi
      • Agaric
        • Amanita agarics
    • Lamprey
      • Freshwater lampreys
        • Brook lamprey
        • European river lamprey
      • Sea lampreys
        • Sea lamprey
    • Lichen
      • Epiphytic lichen
        • Tree lungwort
        • Monk's hood
    • Mammal
      • Carnivore
        • American mink
        • Artic fox
        • Badger
        • Eurasian wolverine
        • European brown bear
        • European mink
        • European wildcat
        • European wolf
        • Golden jackal
        • Iberian lynx
        • Least weasel
        • Otter
        • Pine marten
        • Polar bear
        • Red fox
        • Martens
      • Bat
        • Barbastelle bats
        • Bechstein's myotis
        • Greater horseshoe bat
      • Cetacean
        • Bottlenose dolphin
        • Common dolphin
        • Harbour purpoise
        • North Atlantic right whale
        • Orca
        • Sperm whale
        • Striped dolphin
      • Rodent
        • Brown rat
        • Common dormouse
        • Common vole
        • Crested porcupine
        • Eurasian beaver
        • House mouse
        • Alpine marmot
        • Red squirrel
        • Spotted souslik
        • Water vole
        • Uinta ground squirrel
      • Ungulate
        • Chamois
        • Pyrenean chamois
        • European bison
        • Iberian ibex
        • Ibex
        • Moose
        • Mouflon
        • Muskox
        • Red deer
        • Reindeer
        • roe deer
        • Wild boar
        • American bison
      • Hare/Rabbit
        • European brown hare
        • European rabbit
        • Mountain hare
        • Italian hare
      • Insectivore
        • European hedgehog
        • European mole
        • Common shrew
      • Seal
        • Grey seal
        • Harbour seal
        • Monk seal
    • Mollusc
      • Bivalv
        • Atlantic/king scallop
        • Edible clam
        • European Flat Oyster
        • Freshwater pearl mussel
        • Mediterranean mussel
        • Mediterranean scallop
        • Mussel
        • Pacific/Japanese oyster
        • Queen scalop
        • Razor clam
        • Zebra mussel
      • Cephalopod
        • Common cuttlefish
        • Common octopus
      • Gastropod
        • Invasive freshwater snail
        • Land snail
        • Periwinkle
        • Snail
    • Reptile
      • Snake
        • Asp viper
        • Grass snake
      • Lizard/Chamaleon/Gecko
        • European chamaleon
        • Moorish gecko
        • Wall lizards
      • Turtle/Tortoise
        • European Pond turtle
        • Green sea turtle
        • Hermanns tortoise
        • Loggerhead sea turtle
        • Tortoise
        • Greek tortoise
    • Vascular Plant
      • Conifer
        • Aleppo pine
        • Arolla/Swiss stone pine
        • European black pine
        • European larch
        • Maritime pine
        • Norway spruce
        • Scots Pine
        • Silver fir
        • Yew
      • Deciduous tree
        • Pyrenean oak
        • Ash
        • Aspen
        • Beech
        • Black poplar
        • Pedunculate/Common/English oak
        • Sessile/Durmast oak
        • Silver birch
        • White birch
        • Sweet chestnut
        • Wild service tree
      • Herbaceous flowering plant
        • Bee orchid
        • Bluebells
        • Common spotted orchid
        • Early marsh orchid
        • Fen orchid
        • Orchids genus Orchis
        • Summer Lady's-tresses
        • Clover
        • Common poppy
        • Edelweiss
        • Euphrasia
        • Himalayan balsam
        • Meadow buttercup
        • Oxford ragwort
        • Primroses
        • Saxifrage
        • Thistle
        • Orchids genus Spiranthes
      • Aquatic flowering plant
        • Common water-plantain
        • Eelgrass
        • Neptune grass
        • Pondweed
        • Threeleaf arrowhead
        • broadleaf arrowhead
        • Fringed water-lily
      • Evergreen shrub
        • Alpenrose
        • Common/pontic rhododendron
        • Gum rockrose
        • Heather
        • Myrtle
      • Parasitic plant
        • Broomrapes
        • Mistletoe
      • Evergreen tree
        • Cork oak
        • Olive tree
      • Liana
        • Grapevine
        • Wild grapevine
      • Fern
        • Crested fern
        • Polypody fern
        • Royal fern
  • AFLP
  • Chloroplast genome sequence data
  • EST
  • MHC sequence data
  • Microsatellites
  • Mitochondrial genome sequence data
  • Nuclear genome sequence data
  • Other genetic data
  • Sex chromosome sequence data
  • SNP
  • Adaptation
  • Biogeography
  • Book
  • Breeding
  • Demography
  • Dispersal
  • Diversity
  • Environmental/Conservation Genomics
  • Epigenetics
  • Forensics
  • Genetic techniques
  • Hybridization
  • Identification of units of conservation
  • Inbreeding
  • Invasions
  • Landscape/Environmental effects
  • Monitoring individual populations
  • Parentage
  • Population subdivision
  • Re-stocking/Selective harvest
  • Reviews
  • Species/haplotypes identification &relationships
  • Study design/analyses methods