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Genetic diversity and the CBD post-2020 global biodiversity framework (14 November 2022)
  • The webinar was organized by the Coalition for Conservation Genetics, G-BIKE, GEO BON, and the CBD Secretariat with the aim of improving capacity to conserve genetic diversity. It shows how it is possible to measure and report on genetic diversity with feasible and affordable indicators, which do not need genetic (DNA) data, and which use available data and knowledge within countries on population abundance and distribution. Specifically, this webinar: - Shared knowledge on the vital importance of genetic diversity; - Explained the relevance, feasibility and scientific basis of indicator A.0.4 (effective population size 500), indicator A.8.1. (distinct populations maintained), other indicators, and their connection to Goal A and Target 4; - Explained how to measure indicators in an affordable, feasible, and non technical way with moderate time and resources; - Provided updates from partners using genetic diversity indicators in nine countries: Australia, Belgium, Colombia, France, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, South Africa, USA; - Allowed significant time for questions and discussion from participants; - Described support materials and capacity building opportunities.
  • Speakers:
    Katie Millette, GEO BON Secretariat;
    Jillian Campbell, CBD Secretariat;
    Natasha Ali, UNEP-WCMC;
    Linda Laikre, Stockholm University, Sweden;
    Sean Hoban, Morton Arboretum, USA;
    Ivan Paz-Vinas, France;
    Jessica da Silva, SANBI, South Africa;
    Viktoria Köppä, Stockholm University, Sweden;
    Alicia Mastretta-Yanes, CONABIO, Mexico.
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Genetic diversity and the CBD post-2020 global biodiversity framework (16 November 2022)
The webinar was organized by the Coalition for Conservation Genetics, G-BIKE, GEO BON, and the CBD Secretariat with the aim of improving capacity to conserve genetic diversity. It shows how it is possible to measure and report on genetic diversity with feasible and affordable indicators, which do not need genetic (DNA) data, and which use available data and knowledge within countries on population abundance and distribution. Specifically, this webinar: - Shared knowledge on the vital importance of genetic diversity; - Explained the relevance, feasibility and scientific basis of indicator A.0.4 (effective population size 500), indicator A.8.1. (distinct populations maintained), other indicators, and their connection to Goal A and Target 4; - Explained how to measure indicators in an affordable, feasible, and non technical way with moderate time and resources; - Provided updates from partners using genetic diversity indicators in nine countries: Australia, Belgium, Colombia, France, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, South Africa, USA; - Allowed significant time for questions and discussion from participants; - Described support materials and capacity building opportunities.
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Webinar on genetic diversity indicators in the CBD post-2020 framework - Asia & Oceania (November 5, 2020)
To promote the adoption of the proposed three genetic indicators presented in the article by Hoban et al., 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020..., G-BiKE held a series of webinars targeting the CBD National Focal Points. The indicators are: 1) the number of populations with effective population size above versus below 500, 2) the proportion of populations maintained within species, 3) the number of species and populations in which genetic diversity is monitored using DNA-based methods. This video is the recording of a webinar for the region of Asia and Oceania. Webinar took place on November 5, 2020.
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