Working Groups
This working group will focus on the dissemination of genetic expertise into the applied conservation management. This is done in-situ by identifying the most common and relevant EU conservation and management themes and then characterising those topics where genetic/genomic tools provide a solution or for which genetic diversity is a relevant consideration (and is practical, affordable and reliable), specifically in relation to managing species and ecosystems under the Habitat Directive and Natura 2000 network.
WG1 Specific Objectives
- Identify major conservation themes relevant on an EU-wide scale.
- lineate areas where genetic/genomic tools can be most practical and relevant.
- Identify guidelines for harmonizing and standardizing protocols across EU.
WG1 Leader: Philippine Vergeer (
WG1 Co-Leader: Robert Ekblom (
- Adriana Vella
- Alexander Kopatz
- Alexis Marchesini
- Alice Brambilla
- Ancuta Fedorca
- Angela Fuentes Pardo
- Carles Vilà
- Carlos Fonseca
- Charalombos Neophytou
- Christina Hvilsom
- Craig Primmer
- Felix Gugerli
- Hojka Kraigher
- Jitka Uhlìkovà
- Joachim Mergeay
- Joerg Kleinschmit
- Josè Godoy
- Josef Bryja
- Linda Laikre
- Lydia Alvanou
- Margarida Lopez-Fernandes
- Maria Spehar
- Marjana Westergren
- Melekşen Akin
- Nevena Velickovic
- Nina Ciocarlan
- Noel Vella
- Ovidiu Ionescu
- Paul Hohenlohe
- Paulo Cèlio Alves
- Per Sjögren-Gulve
- Peter B. Pearman
- Peter Galbusera
- Philippine Vergeer
- Rigers Bakiu
- Rob Ogden
- Robert Ekblom
- Rolf Holderegger
- Rus Hoelzel
- Sabrina Trager
- Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez
- Sean Hoban
- Sean Kelly
- Signem Oney-Birol
- Silvia Carvalho
- Tamer Albayrak
- Teele Jaiirus
- Tsipe Aavik
- Vlatka Cubric Curik
This working group will develop potential indicators and monitoring protocols for monitoring genetic diversity across time and space. The suitability of these indicators will then be evaluated and guidelines for a standardized monitoring protocol developed (identification of key species, sampling protocols, long term storage, data analyses). This will include informatic evaluation with simulated and large open access datasets.
WG2 Specific Objectives
- Identify effective and simple indicators of genetic diversity.
- Determine best practice for monitoring genetic diversity in time and space.
- Bioinformatic testing of indicators through simulation.
- Identify the most relevant species and areas across EU for genomic monitoring
- Adi Habul
- Adriana Vella
- Alberto Pallavicini
- Alejandro Valdecantos
- Aleksandra Biedrzyzcka
- Alexander Kopatz
- Alexis Marchesini
- Alla Aleksanyan
- Amir Szitenberg
- Ancuta Fedorca
- Andrew Lucas
- Anna Maria Bonettini
- Anna Papadopoulou
- Aris Janson
- Arnar Palsson
- Arzu Karahan
- Barbora Rolackova
- Barry McMahon
- Belma Kalamujić Stroil
- Branislav Cvjetković
- Buki Rinkevich
- Carles Vila
- Carlos Fonseca
- Charalambos Neophytou
- Christina Hvilsom
- Craig Primmer
- Cristiano Vernesi
- Dainis Rungis
- Daniela Csencsics
- Diana Krajmerova
- Diana Posledovich
- Dusan Gomory
- Eirini Sarroy
- Elena Buzan
- Eleni Abraham
- Emina Šunje
- Eric Verspoor
- Erkinaro Jaakko
- Federico Sebastiani
- Fedor Čiampor
- Felix Gugerli
- Filippos Aravanopoulos
- Frank Zachos
- Gernot Segelbacher
- Giulia Magoga
- Helena Cotrim
- Hojka Kraigher
- Ilaria Fracasso
- Ilhan Altinok
- Ino Curik
- Ivana Drzaic
- Ivaylo Tsvetkov
- Jitka Uhlíková
- Joachim Mergeay
- Joerg Kleinschmit
- José Godoy
- Josef Bryja
- Joshua DĂaz Caballero
- Joukie Buitevled
- Julia MI Barth
- Katja Sonnenschein
- Kristine Bohmann
- Laura Iacolina
- Laura Schuerz
- Linda Laikre
- Luca Cornetti
- Lydia Alvanou
- Maciej Konopinski
- Margarida Lopes Fernandes
- Maria Glushkova
- Marija Spehar
- Marjana Westergren
- Marko Bajc
- Matteo Brunetti
- Matteo Montagna
- Melekşen Akin
- Merit Otsus
- Mihajla Djan
- Mike Bruford
- Milomir Stefanovic
- Mirjana Sijacic-Nikolic
- Myriam Heuertz
- Natasha De Vere
- Nevena Veličković
- Nina Ciocarlan
- Nir Stern
- Noel Vella
- Ovidiu Ionescu
- Pamela Burger
- Paulo Cèlio Alves
- Per Sjogren-Gulve
- Peter Galbusera
- Peter Klinga
- Peter Pearman
- Philippine Vergeer
- Piotr Robakowski
- Rigers Bakiu
- Rita Verbylaite
- Rob Ogden
- Robert Ekblom
- Rolf Holderegger
- Sabrina Trager
- Santiago González-Martínez
- Sean Hoban
- Seán Kelly
- Shirli Bar-David
- Snaebjörn Pálsson
- Srdan Keren
- Srdjan Pejovic
- Srdjan Stojnic
- Steve Smith
- Szilvia Kusza
- Tamer Albayrak
- Teele Jairus
- Tine Grebenc
- Tomaz Skrbinsek
- Tsipe Aavik
- Vaeceslav Ghenov
- Vladimir Maletic
- Vlatka Cubric Curik
- Walter Salzburger
- Zolt Beckei
- Zophonias Jonsson
The aim of this working group is to highlight the importance of genomic variation to adapt to ecosystems under a changing environment. Exchange between laboratories will be fostered to agree on species and data analyses especially for grasslands and forests, and providing practical examples. Meta analysis on the subject will be produced so to provide strong evidence about the timely need for incorporating genomic analyses when evaluating population and species viability.
WG3 Specific Objectives
- Providing the Practitioners community scientifically sound evidence of the importance of genomic variation for adaptation.
- Identification of major ecosystems to be genomically analyzed on a continental scale
WG3 Vice Leader: Sabrina Träger (
- Abdel Rahman Al-Tawaha
- Adriana Vella
- Alberto Pallavicini
- Alejandro Valdecantos
- Alexander Kopatz
- Alexis Marchesini
- Alla Aleksanyan
- Amir Szitenberg
- Barry McMahon
- Berthold Heinze
- Branislav Cvjetkovic
- Buki Rinkevich
- Carles Vilà
- Dragana Šnjegota
- Dragos Postolache
- Eirini Sarrou
- Eleni Abraham
- Federico Sebastiani
- Felix Gugerli
- Galina Goranova
- Giulia Magoga
- Helena Cotrim
- Ilaria Fracasso
- Ilga Mercedes Porth
- Ilhan Altinok
- Joost Andre M Raeymaekers
- Juan Galindo
- Julia MI Barth
- Malgorzata Gazda
- Maria Glushkova
- Matteo Brunetti
- Melekşen Akin
- Michael Bruford
- Myriam Heuertz
- Natasa Sibanc
- Nir Stern
- Noel Vella
- Paul Hohenlohe
- Pauline Garnier-Géré
- Peter Pearman
- Piotr Robakowski
- Sabrina Trager
- Sam Steyaert
- Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez
- Sean Hoban
- Seyhan Dilruba
- Silvia Carvalho
- Tamer Albayrak
- Tina Unuk
- Tine Grebenc
- Tsipe Aavik
- Walter Salzburger
Cloning and genome editing are among the technological developments increasingly invoked as effective tools for saving rare species, managing invasive species, and preparing species for climate change. This WG will examine the suitability of these tools and develop guidelines on the technical and ethical challenges for tackling the most important conservation issues. This WG will address the use of biotechnology in both natural ecosystems and in botanical and zoological gardens.
WG4 Specific Objectives
- Provide Scientists’ and Practitioners’ community an overview of the latest advances in biotechnology.
- Identify techniques most effective for solving practical conservation issues
This WG aims to disseminate knowledge beyond the typical Scientists’ and Practitioners’ communities in focusing on a citizen science approach and art-science symposia. Zoos and aquaria are in contact with millions of visitors each year and will provide an excellent educational platform for public outreach.
WG5 Specific Objectives
- Scientists’ and Practitioners’ communities devise future strategies for continuing momentum beyond the project in terms of working together.
- Present genetic diversity to an EU agenda on environmental policies
- Adi Habul
- Adriana Vella
- Ancuta Fedorca
- Angela Fuentes Pardo
- Belma Kalamujić Stroil
- Emina Šunje
- Felix Gugerli
- Ilaria Fracasso
- Ilga Mercedes Porth
- Ivaylo Tsvetkov
- Katja Kavčić Sonnenschein
- Kimberly Parke
- Margarida Lopez-Fernandes
- Natasha De Vere
- Nevena Veličković
- Peter Galbusera
- Renata Ćušterevska