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  4. GBiKE Dead Sea training school - microbial ecosystem services through genetic tools

Israel Training School (hybrid)

Microbial communities inhabit every niche in nature. They are a great and often unaccounted for modulators of chemical and biochemical processes affecting all levels of biological organization. They are active in the soil and water, or as symbionts of other organisms. They are important providers of ecosystem services, either directly, by e.g. cycling minerals and compounds in specific ways, or indirectly, by e.g. maintaining the health of other organisms, or by controlling their populations. Molecular tools, which are culture independent, allow us to sensitively profile the taxonomic composition of communities, their potential genetic toolkit alongside active metabolic pathways, as individual strains and species or as communities, and most importantly, the interaction of these levels of diversity with environmental factors such as temperature and pressure, pH, humidity and moisture, salinity, the concentration of specific metabolites, etc. Understanding microbial populations or communities with genetic tools can thus inform nature conservation, but also agriculture, industry and even tourism.
Start Date:
22 February 2021
End date:
24 February 2021

The Dead Sea training school will expose the participants to diverse case studies of microbial systems, alongside hands-on laboratory and bioinformatic workshops to get familiarized with the broad range of available tools and techniques. The case studies will be presented to the entire forum, and participants will elect the workshops they would like to attend. In order to allow broad exposure, some topics will be covered in depth while others will be presented at an introductory level.

Case study descriptions
Humans and aquatic environments - anthropogenic impact on aquatic habitats
1. Aquaculture affects fish skin microbiome in nature
2. Microbial source tracking - Using quantitative molecular tools to trace the origin of bacterial
contamination in aquatic habitats
Terrestrial ecology and agriculture
3. Soil geodiversity and biodiversity in arid habitats
4. Utilization of entomopathogenic fungi in agriculture
5. Root and rhizosphere bacteria in nature and agriculture
Manipulation of microbial communities to control function
6. Microbial community modeling and engineering
7. Utilizing bacteria from extreme environments in green roofs

Additional Info

https://bsapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.3732/ajb.91.8.1273: https://bsapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.3732/ajb.91.8.1273