WG1 Workshop: Genetic considerations as part of conservation reintroductions, supplementations and translocations, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
In order to prevent further decline and local extinctions of plant and animal species, reintroductions, supplementations and translocations are increasingly applied in nature conservation. However, with varying success. The reason for this may be linked to genetic processes, which are often not fully considered in restoration practices. In this workshop, we aim to bring together conservation biologists, practitioners and policy makers to highlight and discuss the importance of genetic considerations in conservation and restoration.
In four short presentations by experts in the field, successes and failures of current reintroductions and supplementations will be showcased. These will be discussed in the light of our current knowledge of genetic processes and the (lack of) use of this knowledge.

Start Date:
23 August 2022
End date:
23 August 2022
Location of the Workshop
This workshop is organised during the 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology “Biodiversity crisis in a changing world”, that will take place on the campus of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), Prague, on August 22-26, 2022 (https://www.eccb2022.eu/)
Contact person
Philippine Vergeer: philippine.vergeer@wur.nl
This workshop is organised during the 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology “Biodiversity crisis in a changing world”, that will take place on the campus of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), Prague, on August 22-26, 2022 (https://www.eccb2022.eu/)
Contact person
Philippine Vergeer: philippine.vergeer@wur.nl