Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) indicators
This section describes the ongoing and recent G-BiKE's work aiming at implementing the adoption of explicit genetic indicators in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Frameworks whic is currently under elaboration by the CBD.
Maintaining genetic diversity is recognised in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework strategy as one of five primary 2050 goals. However:
- The CBD’s zero draft Goal for genetic diversity is weak and unclear (Laikre et al. 2020, Science)
- There is no 2030 Action Target for genetic diversity.
- Current CBD genetic diversity indicators neglect most wild species as they are restricted to domesticated species and their wild relatives. Wild species are essential to ecosystem integrity and services, especially under climate change.
- The current indicators are also inadequate to sufficiently monitor changes in genetic diversity.
We propose three new indicators for the post-2020 CBD framework, to be used in addition to modifications to the current CBD’s zero draft indicators (Hoban et al. 2020. Genetic diversity targets and indicators in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity
Additional Info
Convention on Biological Diversity: